Here is a great video introduction to water wells with submersible pumps.
What are the different kinds of water wells?
Water wells are a great natural source of water here in Maine. There are several different types.
- Rock wells or drilled wells
- Artesian Wells
- Dug Wells
- Pounded wells and
- Point wells
Cross Well & Pump Company drills 6” air/ mud rotary drilled wells.
What exactly is a drilled well?
A Drilled water well in Maine consists of a hole bored into the ground by a drill rig. The top section of the well is lined with a steel pipe referred to as casing by well contractors. Cross Well & Pump Company installs 6” casing.
The casing prevents the collapse of the walls of the well and prevents surface or subsurface contaminants from entering the water supply. Casing is seated 10 feet into solid competent bedrock.
The casing must also have a drive shoe attached to the bottom to prevent damage during driving and to make a good seal with the bedrock formation. In some applications, a grout seal of cement or bentonite may also be recommended or required to prevent contamination.
Below the casing, the lower portion of the well is the intake through which water enters.
Compressed air is used during the drilling process to determine the yield before completion.
How Much Water Will I Need For a Residential Well?
Demand varies by household and there are many variables. For example, is there an irrigation system, a hot tub, multiple bathrooms, and other utilities that use water?
The best thing to do is discuss your water requirements with our water well professionals.
What Determines How Deep My Well Could Be?
Drilling a quality well is very unpredictable; there is no exact science to locate the water before you start drilling. Consulting with your neighbors with wells might give you a general idea of the average depth in your area.
What Is The Best Location For My Well?
The first step is to identify the possible locations for the well by measuring out the state and local setbacks. Some examples of state and local setbacks are that wells have to be certain distances away from septic systems, property lines, utilities, etc
Any remaining area can be used and you’ll make the final decision with our drilling professionals. The accessibility to drill can be a factor for the remaining area.
How Much Of a Mess Will The Drilling Rig Make Of My Yard?
If it is a new construction and the landscaping has not been completed then cleanup is simple. When drilling in established areas some minor landscaping may be needed after drilling is completed.